3 Fun Creative First Date Ideas
So recently you have met someone special, and now you are looking for fun creative first date ideas to make your evening memorable and exciting. So the question you might wondering about is, how can I enjoy a fun first date – on a budget?
You may have heard of typical date ideas like going to the movies, dinner at a nice restaurant, or having a cup of coffee together. Sounds familiar? Well, these first date ideas are of course OK. But do you really want your first date with a special girl to be just “OK”?
Or would you like to make it a fun, creative, and memorable evening she will always remember you by? So here you can discover 3 fun and affordable ideas to help you plan your date:
Date Idea #1: Have a Fun Picnic Outdoors
If you enjoy spending time in the nature, then a creative idea for your evening is to go for a picnic together outdoors. If you’re looking for somewhere comfortable and easy to go, you can go to the park.
If you’re in the mood for somewhere more adventurous, you can go on a picnic in the woods, or even turn it into an exciting camping trip.
When you have a more romantic date idea in mind, you can always drop by a river nearby and have your fun picnic date by the sweet and calm river. There is something about the soothing sound of water that will add a romantic flavor to your date.
Date Idea #2: Watch the Sunrise Together
Who says dates must be in the evening anyway?
You can surprise your date by being creative and suggesting an early morning date. On a Saturday morning, you can go up the hills and watch the sunrise together. Sitting there together, when the rest of the world is still sleeping, and watching the sun start a new day can make the most romantic first date.
And imagine how much she will be impressed to finally see a guy who is creative and full of fresh, fun ideas.
Date Idea #3: Go for a Hike
If you are into physical activities and so is your date, going for a hike together is a fun way to spend your evening (or your early morning). Not only you’ll have plenty of time and quiet to get to know each other, but you’ll also have a fun time sharing this fun hobby together – while laughing and talking meanwhile.
So there you have it! Hope you enjoyed these creative and affordable date ideas. Now you know you can easily think out-of-the-box and plan an exciting evening for your date – even when you’re on a budget.
Also if you have any interesting date suggestions of your own, you’re more than welcome to share them in the comments section below.
Best of luck with your upcoming date.