All About Virgo Zodiac Sign and Horoscopes
Virgo energy is all about perfection, if it’s not perfection, it’s nothing at all. This energy demands perfection, and will notice the smallest detail. Happiness for Virgo is perfection, but since this is very hard to achieve you may have to settle for excellence.
Some of the other signs have the ability to come up with a great idealistic vision – but not Virgo – they are the once who recognize the vision and create form to these great ideas to serve humanity.
This energy is total service to humanity. Virgo has this very feminine and caring energy. It usually starts in the beginning with very small service where they are learning to take care of someone. They may be working as a waitress or a nurse and as they grow and develop, so does their service.
Virgo is earth energy, which means it very much deals with the physical plane. This energy is also very much about caring for the physical body. Remember Virgo is the sign of perfection and in order to care for the physical body, and make it pure, you have to get rid of all the toxins in the body, and not eat anything that can poison the body.
Virgo needs to learn to stay healthy, to look at nutrition, and make sure you get the right food. So the body can stay healthy in order to be a pure temple for the soul to reside in. When the body is pure and free of all toxins, it becomes lighter and you attract a much higher energy that will put you on your right path.
Virgo has intellectual brilliance and great conversational talent. They like to analyze every situation, and have an intense love of details in everything they do. However they sometimes tend to be to critical and get caught up in worrying to much about the small details that it doesn’t see the forest for trees, it needs to be able to see the bigger picture.
In the month of Virgo it’s time above all to go on a criticism fast. So discipline yourself not to put your attention on what’s wrong, and every time you are about to criticize you say “No I’ve finished criticizing myself and anyone else.” This is the way to open up our awareness to see how often we do criticize and as we stop criticizing the negative will drop away, and then we can create some new positive thoughts for ourselves.