Break Up Advice When You Still Love Your Ex
They’ve dumped you but you are still love your ex. Now it is either the time to move on or you need some break up advice when you still love your ex.
When you feel that your time has come to move on, the advice you want will be proportional to how badly things went at the end of the relationship. If you were mentally drained by the split, you are going to need a long time to sort yourself out and get back on your feet again.
You must start by looking after yourself after so much stress. So don’t go in for a lot of self criticism after what has happened. You no doubt did all you could in the circumstances.
Any help you may need must be for you; you are apart now and, as far as recovering is concerned, it must be each one for themselves. You may still feel very much in love but you must start by looking after yourself and letting them do likewise.
Where you feel it can help you, take some advice to help you put the past in perspective as quickly as possible. You’ve got to fight to escape from your emotional state and recover your self confidence.
When you are seeking advice on how and to recover your ex, you must set up a strategic plan to meet this objective. Leave your ex alone for the next few weeks while you recover your senses and lost pride and determine where you go from here.
When you have sorted yourself out, you can think about calling your ex You should try to get them to meet you on neutral ground. You want to tell them about the feelings you still have for them and that you think it is worth having another go to get the relationship going again. You don’t want to be emotional about things so be sure to stay calm. It is important that you listen to what they have to say even if you do not agree with them.
Let them have the time they need to think things over and wait for them to contact you. You have an even chance that things will work out. So don’t blame yourself if it doesn’t go as you wish but be content that you have done all you can to get them back.
Finally, I suggest you read a book entitled “The Magic of Making Up” written by T ‘Dub’ Jackson, He has a lifetime of experience helping people, the world over, sort out their relationship problems, and his book will likely help you to solve your own.