Depressing Love Quotes
A depressed love is one that is not going successful in the journey of love. Here is some best collection of depressing love quotes for you that will explain your feelings.
True Love Quotes
- If you want to know what depression is and how many thoughts make life difficult, just try to love someone and you will come to know each and everything about it.
- If you want to love someone then get ready to live the life of half-dead man.
- Love gives you the ability to scream having no sound and voice.
- Fortunate are those who found their love without the pain of suffering from depression of love, but they should care one thing to never go their love away, otherwise they good luck will be converted into doomed one.
- Though everything in the world seems good when it is in its moderate form but love seems more precious when it gets hot but this hot love ends up with very cold sentiments.
- In love, all moments seems like a drop of water in sea but in severance one moment seems like decades and the lover feels complete helplessness.
- You are my beloved that is why you are the most painful for me in this world.
- If you want to love someone then love a person who loves you too otherwise trusting someone else will feel you a complete wastage of life and compensation would be impossible.
- Till the time you hurt me hard, I don’t feel good.
- I am happy; I have ruined my life for my love.
- Every new day gives me hope to see you but it will never come true, I just wait for you because it gives me happiness.
Heartrending Depressing Love Quotes
- I have tried swallowing my sadness and heart voice again and again but I think my life will end eating these grieves.
- Though I don’t want to live with you anymore my heartbeat, my soul, my body, my tears and my emotions still call your name.
- Your love hurt my emotions; now I repent why I fell my personality before you and allowed you to use me for your selfish benefits.
- If I could see the inner intentions of your love, I would never fall in love with you and if I would have fallen in love then would not have allowed myself to ruin me in this painful way.
- Your attractive eyes, pretty face, majestic personality and deceiving smile ruined me, my heart, my soul and my life completely.
- False hopes give massive pain and when they seem not to be fulfilled anyway and you were my hope; now I have to live without you with dead heart.
- After losing you I daily think tomorrow will be better, but this betterment awaits my death.
- I have lost you now but my heart does not understand this thing.
- The most irritating word in my love story is “you were”.
- I want to get rid of your thoughts but the parts of body do not help me in this matter.
Sad Depressing Love Quotes
- I do not regret that I lost you perhaps you were never mine.
- You do not care about my any word and I consider you my world.
- When your lover says he scarcely finds time to talk to you, then it is clear that he no more love you.
- If my eyes are unable to make you realize of my love, then my words are of no use.
- It was very hard to me to love you as I knew I cannot meet my love.
- The most unbearable thing of the world is to see your love, loving someone else.
- I said what my love felt for you and you said what you never felt.
- When one is affected by love, then his mind works much in the field of poetry.
- A person with a broken heart becomes a patient of thoughts and repentance.
- After losing love, the lover does not find any place to die.
Depressing Love Quotes
- Love feeds itself with the lives of its followers.
- Love is good when it is enjoyed but it is worst when it is borne.
- Love is blind and it is realized when you have lost all of your worlds.
- Quantity of pain in love is far more than the amount of pleasure it provides.
- Nothing is real in love, all is a delusion.
- You come to know the pain of the person whose heart you have broken when someone else breaks your own heart.
- Love gives life of centuries in a moment of rejoice but it gives thousands of painful years in a moment of parting.
- In love, even sighs call for the beloved and this is the point that you really come to know about what have you been in.
- Love teaches you how to groan and still pray for the person behind your pains.
- Love is a situation that has many side effects but only one gain and people still indulge them in this situation.
- In love you lose all your friends, your family and all the dear ones who love you a lot; and you lose them for only a single person who is even not suitable to your life.
- A broken heart is the most dangerous weapon in this world. Its willpower is a force that can defeat the armies of the enemy.