Moving on After a Breakup – Advice to Help You Get on With Your Life

Going through a breakup is one of the hardest things you will ever have to endure. Needless to say, the emotional trauma can really throw your life into a tailspin. During this time, moving on after a breakup seems like the last thing on your mind.

The days go by, and the depression continues. You keep wondering what you did wrong and if you will ever feel normal again. Then you realize that moving on after a breakup is something you need to do, but you just don’t know how to go about it. Here is some advice to help you get on with your life:

1. Forgive your ex

The first step in moving on after a breakup is to let go of all the anger and bitterness you may hold toward your ex surrounding the breakup. Yes, I know, this is a lot easier said than done.

However, you need to take this step. If you continue to hold things against your ex, then it will negatively impact you emotionally (and physically) for as long as you hold onto it. For the sake of your own health and well being, forgive your ex and let go of the anger and bitterness.

2. Don’t contact your ex

The next piece of advice for successfully moving on after a breakup is to, if at all possible, avoid contact with your ex. I know there may be situations where you see them on a regular basis-like at work or wherever. In those cases, just be nice and civil, but don’t get too involved with what they are doing.

The point of this is not to be mean to your ex, it’s to help you in moving on after a breakup. You wont be able to accomplish this if you are still heavily involved in your ex’s life.

3. Fill your time with new and exciting things

Moving on after a breakup means more than putting your past behind you, it is also looking forward to a future filled with excitement and new opportunities. It may be hard for you to view things this way, but it’s true.

Once you’ve accepted the fact that it’s over and had a chance to grieve your loss, you now have two choices. You can stay depressed and decide that life sucks without your ex, or you can decide that your new, uncertain world is full of exciting opportunities.

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