Monthly Horoscope Forecast

Monthly Horoscope Forecast

September 2024
[Mar. 21- April 20]
Love: Your excellent communicative ability will make you better at “conquering” ; those around you will be impressed.
Work: You’ll have loads of things to do. You are very creative and you could achieve professional gratification. Enjoy this great moment to the full.
Health: It’ll be a splendid month in which you’ll have fantastic health. The only negative point is that you could have some slight problems with allergies.
[Apr. 21- may 21]
Love: The Stars suggest you use a gentle tone of voice with everybody, especially at the beginning of the month. Tension will dissolve towards the 15th when a new and prosperous period will start.
Work: There’ll be heaps of insidious events at work but you’ll overcome them by paying more attention to your interests and listening to a friend’s advice.
Health: A regenerating massage will help you tone your entire organism including your bones. If your legs feel heavy and sluggish, consult a good herbalist.
[May 22-June 21]
Love: The Stars will favor fantastic moments for those in a relationship; this will be more dynamic thanks to great intellectual and spiritual spirit.
Work: Great opportunities will come your way for professional success and, if you are looking for a new job, will be able to find something stable.
Health: Be prudent when going on trips or doing sport; eat healthily. Expect possible migraines, ‘flu or colds.
[June 22-July 22]
Love: Between the 12th and 20th, your relationship will go through a complex phase, mainly due to your partner’s lack of understanding.
Work: Some minor irritation or small hitch could lead to misunderstandings or problems but by mid-month things will be fine once again.
Health: You could feel aches and pains in your liver and suffer from slow, laborious digestion. An old remedy to help this is a massage with essential oils of juniper.
[July 23-Aug 21]
Love: Youngsters will be more free and easy than usual and will make out with one person after another, without having any refusals although they will remember past disappointments.
Work: You’ll have heaps of initiative and will be successful. Try not to rush into things as you could make an error of judgment.
Health: Expect problems with your kidneys, inflamed tendons and chronic ailments. You’ll tend to choose what is bad for you.
[Aug. 22 – Sept. 23]
Love: It’s important to be both communicative and concise to reach the consensus of those around you and make new friends.
Work: You won’t be able to stand routine and your job; however, before reacting, count to 10 and this will stop you making some error or gaffe.
Health: You won’t feel great, and your aggression will make it difficult to bond with others. A Valerian tablet will do the trick.
[Sept. 24 – Oct. 23]
Love: A pleasant and affectionate atmosphere can be expected and you can look forward to romantic evenings if you are in a relationship and new acquaintances if you are single.
Work: You’ll accept the collaboration of people who can help you in your work and you’ll see that your ideas will be accepted by your bosses.
Health: You won’t be in great shape – expect migraines and gastritis. Also look after your skin.
[Oct. 24 – Nov. 22]
Love: If you’re single, you’ll be very lucky towards the end of the month when you’ll meet someone exciting who will make you feel vivacious and cheerful.
Work: There’s no stopping you; high costs will abound, yet you don’t seem to worry about repayment.
Health: You’ll suffer from low energy levels. Try to sleep more and eat a balanced diet; eat a little of everything, in moderation.
[Nov. 23 -Dec. 22]
Love: The stars give you loads of energy which will allow you to enthrall friendships in unusual evenings and conquer them with ease and liveliness.
Work: Excellent month for deals. You will be able to meet important people of your profession, who will allow slow but continuous progression.
Health: You’ll benefit from general psychophysical equilibrium for the entire month. Use this for toning your body. You could sign up for a course on stretching.
[Dec 23.- Jan. 20]
Love: At the start of the month, couples of this zodiac sign will have many problems but from the middle of the month, you’ll have excellent opportunities to find balance and harmony.
Work: Things go really well work wise, even if your reflexes are not ready. It is advisable to carefully plan work tasks so you don’t forget anything.
Health: The stars will favor you and energies will be available for your use. Follow some body therapy which will help you to relax all your muscles.
[Jan. 21 -Feb. 19]
Love: Around the 19th, the stars will favor your relationship. You will clarify recent altercations and you’ll be more willing towards your loved one.
Work: You’ll have an optimistic view on Life and this will make you the center of attention in work and far more self-confident.Health: Your physical form is discretely helped by celestial movements. Find time for yourself and for looking after your body.

[Feb. 20-Mar. 20]

Love: Towards the 22nd, you’ll feel positive energy and the need to renew your daily life by canceling out negative presences.
Work: You’ll conclude projects which are currently underway and start up a new initiative which is maybe an old dream of yours.
Health: This month will be particularly subject to illnesses around the throat, respiratory organs and bronchia. Try to beware of chills and draughts.
September 2024

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