Monthly Horoscopes Forecast

ARIES Horoscope Monthly Forecast

March 21–April 19

Cosmic Condition: Aries are known for their overactive passionate state called rajas in yoga. With your Aries Sun activated by the solar eclipse on September 8 at 4:32 PM EDT, you have greater access to your spirit, strength and vitality. Difficulty is easily countered with a sense of play and confidence.

Remedy: Initiate new physical activities especially disciplines or sports that strengthen your body. Be the catalyst to start a new project or to re-direct situations that have become sluggish or stagnant. Never a shrinking violet”, your participation and leadership makes things happen

TAURUS Horoscope Monthly Forecast

 April 20–May 20

Cosmic Condition: This month’s lunar eclipse on September 24 occurs on your Taurus Sun, exactly so for those born the last week of September. Past excesses or current stressful demands drive home the reality of what your body can and cannot do. Old injuries, chronic problems or hidden vulnerabilities may show up now.

Remedy: If your body sends you the message to ease up or slow down pay attention. Don’t try to be heroic and push past your limits. Focus on practicing good physical health. Rest more. Strain less.

GEMINI Horoscope Monthly Forecast

May 21–June 21

Cosmic Condition: Your mental stress and overabundance of fiery force flares easily into anger and irritation this month as Mercury retrogrades in Aries and Pluto continues to oppose your Sun sign. Issues may reach their most polarized as people express anger and intolerance. You may feel provoked into arguments or debate. You are challenged now to stand up for what you believe as well as keep civility.

Remedy: Detach, if you can, from any hardened views. Stay away from those who irritate you. Adopt two strategies, always good for Mercury retrograde–exercise patience and have a sense of humour.

CANCER Horoscope Monthly Forecast

June 22–July 22

Cosmic Condition: As a Moon ruled Cancer you are affected more than others by the monthly full moons and especially so during lunar eclipses. One of the year’s lunar eclipses occurs on September 24 at 6:05 AM EDT. Cancers can greatly benefit by reflecting on what it means to be part of a family, lineage, culture, or heritage. Which parts of your family relationships do or do not work? Not all your family is cooperative, supportive and nice. This may be the time to distance from relationships based on all the wrong reasons–guilt, duty, manipulation.

Remedy: Strengthen your ties to family that are sources of comfort, nurturing and security. Research you geneology to perhaps discover whole new parts of your family lineage.

LEO Horoscope Monthly Forecast

 July 23–August 22

Cosmic Condition: Cats don’t like water and Leo, the lion may feel discomfort and downright aversion to the strong emotional currents arising from two eclipses this month. It doesn’t take much now to create stormy circumstances especially near the lunar eclipse of September 24. You likely feel powerful urges to run or escape. Others want to pull you into situations you want no part of.

Remedy: Be aware of the current stormy weather forecast. Don’t unconsciously stir up storms by being oblivious. Counter emotion situations with your Leo courage and an optimistic, hopeful outlook. If this is an emotionally trying time, remember things are not as bad as others may want to make it.

VIRGO Horoscope Monthly Forecast

August 23–September 22

Cosmic Condition: When Virgo sees order externally, they feel order internally. Even though it is Mercury retrograde and we approach a total lunar eclipse, Virgo may still be able to successfully use the current heightened energies, especially if you are born the last week of August. Feng Shui, the 3500 year old, “art of placement” says success is largely a matter of orienting your surroundings. Bringing order now to your home and work environment can not only be deeply satisfying, but energetically contribute to upcoming success.

Remedy: Take out your famous Virgo “to do” list–complete home or garden projects. Organize, re-arrange and get rid of stuff. Organize projects to move forward after Mercury goes direct on September 12.

LIBRA Horoscope Monthly Forecast

September 23–October 22

Cosmic Condition: “Peace between countries must rest on the solid foundation of love between individuals.” Mahatma Gandhi. There has never been a greater need for Venus ruled Libra to bring loving kindness into the world. With this month’s Solar eclipse on September 8 opposing your Libra Sun, you may feel tested to keep a peaceful center as the world throws its aggression, fear and irritation your way.

Remedy: Help the cause of Venus–work to keep centered amidst polarizing situations. Can you keep in touch with your gratitude, appreciation and ability to feel goodwill?

SCORPIO Horoscope Monthly Forecast

October 23–November 21

Cosmic Condition: On September 24 the lunar eclipse occurs right on your Scorpio Sun especially if you were born the last week of October. You may temporarily revisit difficult issues in relationship with those who matter. Issues of power and control, jealousy or addictive dysfunction may make you feel the star of a bad movie. What comes up now reminds you of what you no longer want and affirms what you do.

Remedy: Don’t attack. Don’t withdraw. Don’t defend Then you can experience true relating. If destructive patterns reassert themselves, try Walnut, “the link breaker,” from the Bach Flower essences, to help you or others get free from repetitive negative influences.

SAGITTARIUS Horoscope Monthly Forecast

November 22–December 21

Cosmic Condition: The alchemist brews a potent mixture this month with two eclipses- one in fellow fire, sign Aries, the other in earth and water signs. Just as the September 8 solar eclipse auspiciously aspects your Sagittarius Sun, the latter lunar eclipse will stir up the emotional, watery elements of your water signs friends (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

Remedy: Use your detached reasoning ability and direct manner to helps you and others extricate from overly dramatic confrontations. Let your cooler head prevail.

CAPRICORN Horoscope Monthly Forecast

December 22–January 19

Cosmic Condition: The Solar Eclipse in Aries and Jupiter in Libra makes two squares to your Capricorn Sun. This configuration looks like a three legged table so it is inherently shaky and unbalanced. You may have a few weeks of power sparring ahead. Who do you compete with? Rivalries or competition are likely. There can be a good outcome, however, as this condition may force you to do your best work.

Remedy: Accept competition with a good attitude. Can you find a compromise when others feel as strongly as you but have opposing views? Reach out to those not directly affected by impasse as they may be able to facilitate a resolution. Do better with humility rather than hubris.

AQUARIUS Horoscope Monthly Forecast

January 20–February 18

Cosmic Condition: This is truly a magical time for Aquarians as the Solar Eclipse in Aries makes an auspicious aspect to your Sun. This occurs on September 8 at 4:32 PM EDT. This time signifies that your mental realm of logos and ideas is fanned by the spiritual realm of fiery energy and vision. New mutations of evolutionary change are in the wind. This is a wonderful time to fly into ecstatic or joyful realms. You benefit by letting go of the ties that bind.

Remedy: Be open to new images and visions of your future. Don’t miss this opportunity to trim away narrow ideas or philosophies that keeps your life from being free. Step out with courage to make overdue change.

PISCES Horoscope Monthly Forecast

February 19–March 20

Cosmic Condition: We approach a lunar eclipse on September 24. Potent archetypal symbols are likely to appear in either your dream or waking state. Pay close attention to what symbols occur in your life now especially as you approach this eclipse. What actually happens may be a source of deep guidance.

Remedy: Consciously use the potent time on September 24 from 5:06 AM EDT to 6:06 AM EDT as the exact eclipse manifests. Meditate. Go on retreat. Dust off your dream journal. If this time occurs while you sleep take mugwort from the California Flower essence* line before retiring as it will stimulate your unconscious. It can give you dreams that guide you. The Gods speak so listen.

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