Sad love quotes

Sad love quotes

  1. Believe me, every heart has its secret sorrows, which the world does not know; and often we think that a man is cool when he is only sad.
  2. Time does not heal a wound; you just get used to the pain!
  3. With tears in my eyes, I look at this damn online and hope that it changes into writes….
  4. A mouth can laugh even when the heart is crying.
  5. The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain. (Jennifer Aniston)
  6. The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it is almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you love that you do. (Sigmund Freud)
  7. Memories are important because sometimes there is nothing else left.
  8. Slight pain is expressed; Great pain is silent.
  9. Pain is only as strong as you allow it to be.
  10. How I would like to convince myself that love is useless.
  11. A crazy heart, crazy to hold on to, that still believes that you think of me, is not sure that you have gone away, that you left me and that you will not return. Tell him the truth and maybe he will understand; because you never told the truth…
  12. You must never look back on a past that has no future.
  13. Do not trust too much, do not love too much, don’t worry too much, because too much will hurt you so much!
  14. Happiness or sadness, crying are emotions that the heart cannot translate into words.
  15. At some point, you stop crying and start forgetting.
  16. We should just love but never fall in love. Because what falls is broken.
  17. Of course, I miss his smile. But most of all, I miss mine.
  18. Injustice is a heart drowned in sorrow and tears, seeing their love bloom in someone else’s garden.
  19. Maybe I will not cry, but it hurts. Maybe I will not say it, but I break inside. Maybe I will not show it, but I am deeply hurt …
  20. I struggled against myself, I screamed, I was suffering, I was alone in the night of my broken heart, and, my life in tatters I came out of my hell, because I found hell at the bottom of my heart.
  21. I wear a mask and I cry inside.
  22. I never felt that … How can you give me so much happiness and cause me so much pain?
  23. The saddest thing in the world is to love someone who loved you in the past.
  24. I do not seek in our memories, but when I do, they bring a smile to my lips and a tear to my eyes.
  25. If I cannot be a path to your happiness, I do not want to stand in the way of your happiness!
  26. How important you are to a person, you realize how much time he gives for you.
  27. If I ever cried, it wasn’t because I lost, it was because I loved.
  28. Why do I still remember all, that you’ve forgotten?
  29. Although time can dry the tears of my eyes, time will not blot you from my heart.
  30. As soon as we see the slightest glimmer of happiness in this world, there is always someone to destroy it.
  31. The break does not mean that love is gone. It means fighting to save the love that remains.
  32. Do not be sad for someone who has let you down. Be sad for her because she just lost someone who would never let her down.

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