How to Plan a Romantic Birthday For Free

It is his birthday. You would love to plan something for him, but can’t because your bank account is a big fat zero! You can’t even afford to buy yourself your own “bare necessities”!

It takes a lot of creativity and thought to give him a special birthday without spending any money; you will impress him and help him realize how much you really love him.

It’s easy to pick out an expensive restaurant or venue to treat him to for his birthday; anyone can do that! But think back to the time he planned something for your birthday. Which had more meaning? Dinner at the restaurant or the romantic (free!) walk on the beach afterward?

Love is an action; nothing shows love more than putting time and energy into planning his special day. So don’t skip his birthday because of the economy; make it one you will both remember forever!

Here are some creative ideas to get you started! (Or think up your own)

  1. Pick flowers from your garden or outside along the road. Break off the petals and scatter them on your bed. (No expense; and you still achieve the same effect as million dollar roses!)
  2. Create a handmade card or design a card on the computer and write a heartfelt romantic message listing all the reasons why you love him.
  3. Go the park and swing on the swings together.
  4. Take a walk on the beach and sit in the sand together. Slide down the huge sand dunes. The memories that last the longest aren’t always the expensive ones. Having fun like children and laughing will deepen your connection and put you both in a romantic mood.
  5. Go to the beach early in the morning. Bring a small grill from home. Cook breakfast on the beach while you watch the sunrise together. (Cook something using ingredients you already have in your kitchen.)
  6. Spend the night in your backyard. Borrow a tent from a friend or use one of your own. Bring board games, lotion for back massages, candles, and toast s’mores if you have a grill.
  7. Write a poem for him.
  8. Draw his caricature and frame it; purchase a frame from the dollar store.
  9. Make a video for him. Pretend to be a reporter. (a fun one with a sense of humor, of course!- this insures the best responses) Ask family and friends “So, tell me, when I mention (insert his name), what comes to mind??” If you have a baby or young child, be sure to include them on the interview; kids say the cutest things! It is sure to melt his heart. If you have a baby, catch them on tape saying, “daddy or da-da”. Get fancy with your editing skills; make it look like he or she answered “daddy” in response to your question, “Whose birthday is it today?” Make sure you’re the last person on the interview saying, “When I think of (a special name you call him), I think of….” (What you say can be sexy, heartfelt or a mixture of both!)
  10. Make a collage of funny pictures of the two of you together; purchase a frame from the dollar store.
  11. Have bubble bath and candles? Prepare a romantic bath for two! Fill your tub with bubble bath, light candles and place them around the tub. Take a few of the rose petals from outside and sprinkle them on top of your bath. No bubble bath? Purchase some at the dollar store.

Has your relationship been lacking in the romance department lately? Even more reason to plan a romantic birthday for him! A great relationship principle to follow is: “Treat others as you want to be treated.” If you want your relationship to once again have romance, initiate it! Maybe he needs to see your love in action before he has the faith to walk on water.

Plan a romantic birthday for him; you will have so much fun doing it! It is a challenge to create something special without any money; but now you have many creative ideas to get you started.

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